feracheval new revamped website

Fer à Cheval (Horseshoe) Outfitter is pleased to launch its revamped website!


Fer à Cheval (Horseshoe) Outfitter being one of the most developed hunting and fishing outfitters in the Upper Laurentians of the province of Quebec, we are excited about our new website redesign and the robust information it provides for customers. In combination with aesthetic, the main focus for the website revamp was an easy way for customers and visitors to have everything they need at their fingertips.

fer a cheval (horseshoe) outfitter

Contact us

You will enjoy the « Blog » page being updated to an article by article layout. If you’d like to keep in touch, sign up for our newsletter to receive updates, promotions and upcoming events.

The beauty of our exclusive territory, the richness of wildlife and the quality of the services offered at the Fer à Cheval (Horseshoe) Outfitter have already made its reputation across borders, with fishermen, hunters, adventure tourists, families and businesses. Superior quality accommodation, gastronomy with unique flavors, attentive staff and a warm atmosphere awaits you, by yourself, with friends or with family.

Discover our environment by viewing this virtual visit and imagine your stay with us to make your dream … a reality!

Have feedback?

Let us know your thoughts on the new website in the comments below. Until next, take care and all the very best,

Fer à Cheval Outfitter’s Team

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