Our territory is baited regularly and facilitates exceptional black bear hunting success.

chasse ours noir au quebec

Our clients, Adams and son Kade, and Tiago are happy of their bear hunt.

Come experience a thrilling black bear hunt

At Horseshoe outfitter, hunting is in the spotlight. The reputation of the Upper Laurentians region of the province of Quebec is second to none in bear hunting, and our magnificent resort welcome hunters from all over.

At the beginning of summer, the bears are in full activity. Our sites are baited and arranged specifically for the practice and enjoyment of hunting this large mammal who, at this time, is seeking food.

Why not combine your hunt with a fishing activity? Double your pleasure!

See our various packages.

Chasse à l'ours au Fer à Cheval Chasse à l'ours noir Hautes Laurentideschasse à l'ours a la pourvoirie du Fer à ChevalChasse ours noir au fer a cheval hautes laurentideschasse à l'ours à la pourvoirie du fer à Chevalchasse à l'ours à la pourvoirie du fer à ChevalChasse à l'ours à la pourvoirie du Fer à Cheval dans les Hautes-Laurentides du QuebecMany people have a negative stand on black bear’s meat. This report (in PDF format) written by Aurèle Blais, Président of the Federation FQF ( Fédération Québécoise de la Faune) is very informative and includes 42 delicious recipes: Ours Noir Vin Rouge ; Un mélange audacieux…et savoureux!

Livre de recettes gibier ours noirYou will find appetizers, soups and dishes that will make hunters and gourmets appreciate the pleasures of the table with this venison that has nothing to envy to those of moose or deer.


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